Amazing new package and mail forwarding service allows you to live anywhere and securely read and manage all your postal mail online!
Great for individuals and businesses alike.

Your postal mail can be now be available to you online,
no matter where you are 24/7. Choose what you want to
scan, read, delete or forward to a physical address!

Throwing away the junk let's you save 50-90% on mail forwarding costs.
Let's face it. Traditional mail forwarding services, mail drop services, re-mailing services, and private mail boxes rely on old technology. With Earth Class Mail online postal mail you'll have access to the latest technology.  It's like having a virtual post office box.  By being able to access your mail online, you'll be able to delete a lot of it instantly without having to pay for forwarding it.

You can have your sealed envelopes scanned and then decide if you want to have your mail securely opened and scanned into a PDF document, so you can then read, save, store, or print your mail online.  Safely and securely archive the physical document, save as a digital copy or forward the mail if you wish (whether already scanned or still unopened) to yourself or anyone else.  Recycle read material to save the environment or shred sensitive information.  You are in control!

Earth Class Mail combines the best features of a private mailbox rental and a package and mail forwarding service into a single on-line service.
Who Needs This Service?
Anyone using a mail forwarding service
People concerned about identity theft
Multiple-Home Owners (including time-sharers)
Recreational Yacht Owners
RV Owners
Private airplane owners and pilots
Airline crew
College and graduate students
People who move often and want a lifetime address
Business Executives
Truck Drivers
Military Personnel
Expatriate Mail Service
Doctors and other medical practitioners
Peace Corps
Disaster-relief workers
Train operators
Tour Operators & Guides
Cruise Line Employees
Anonymity Seekers
...or anyone else on the move!

Click Here For Picture Demo

How Secure Is It?  What about Identity Theft?
With Earth Class Mail , your mail is very secure and confidential unlike receiving mail at a physical address where your mail can be stolen This is how identity theft gets started. Smart thieves take only "good" mail and leave the rest so you don't even suspect you've been hit, and your mailbox appears untampered. Then you have the same problems with discarding mail, once you present it on the street for pick-up.

Earth Class Mail goes far beyond regular mail forwarding.
Your mail is even more safe and confidential because employees are security cleared.  Further, mail is picked up directly at the post office itself, and transported to a secure facility leaving no opportunities for security breaches.

You Have Complete Control Over the Level of Confidentiality.
You have complete choice over whether any piece of mail is sent to Earth Class Mail or straight to your mailing address.  If received by Earth Class Mail, you have another choice of whether it get opened or not.  Mail is never opened without your consent. You are always in control.


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